House for sale in Tipitapa

House for sale located in Tipitapa

The property is located in an urban area in process of gradual development where the main land use is residential. 

The house has the following rooms: living room area, two-story annex consisting of a porch and bedroom on the first floor, two bedrooms upstairs. The complete sanitary service is located outside the house. 

Tiled patio, swimming pool and a basement. Access to the two-story annex is by metal stairs.

Access to it is through a dirt road, with low vehicular traffic, about 500 meters from the paved road. Nearby commercial establishments, health centers and service stations.

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Land conversion measurements

  • Manzanas
  • Meters2
  • Varas2
  • Foot2

Construction conversion measures

  • Meters2
  • Foot2

Loan Calculation

$45,000.00 Property price

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