In the decade of the fifties a cultural movement called "Do it yoursef" emerged, which intended to generate things, instruments, tools and different crafts by the same company. Now, with more resources and new technologies that fifty years ago were unimaginable, the "Do it yourself" became in to the "Maker Movement". The term was coined by Dale Dougherty, editor of O'Reilly Media in 2005.

The "Maker Movement" simply characterized by creating things that do not carry an industrial process, is to do it personally and without manufacturing. The main objective of this new trend is based on the idea that people can build, repair and devise all we need, without buying anything or hire anyone.

Why not “Do it yoursef”

The great challenge of "Do it yourself" is to be encouraged to do a project, because after overcome such resistance venture, you will feel more self-confidence and backslide, recurrently in other projects later.

The main element is: if I want, I can. Start by losing the fear to do things alone, to experiment and let your imagination take up the most creative part. Look for the necessary tools and allow a guide or someone with more experience guide you, determine what to do and where, and then enjoy the results and continue the practice to be completely satisfied with your new foray save and feel that you can do that and more.

Why don’t we try?

How to Build a Green Wall

First select the space you want to use for your own green wall. Start building a framework; a good structure, solid that can be hung on the wall is needed. The plastic is generally considered the most suitable material for use. A plastic foil must then be attached to the frame to prevent water from leaking.

Now, you are ready to attach a layer of fabric on the frame, which will act as the base of your plants where they will live and grow. Use a material having properties effective water retention and allow roots to grow through them.

Establish a system of irrigation water to be able to reach all parts of the wall. The usual style is to connect a tube through the top of the wall, the water drop down along the entire structure. As this is one of the most important aspects, most likely you want to consult an expert in the field. At this point you also have to add a system of fertilization.

Finally you need to choose and insert the plants you want in your green wall. This is entirely personal preference. Just keep in mind the current aesthetic of the room or garden where it is building the green wall.

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Keila B. Montiel