A great percentage of the people who use our services are from abroad and occasionally they are completely unaware of the process to acquire a property in Nicaragua, so they ask for our advice. That is why we want to give you information about the most essential points that you should take into account if you are not a citizen of Nicaragua. To do this, we have summarized this transaction into 4 simple steps that will help you to buy a home safely in our country.1. Communicate with an experienced Real Estate.The first thing to do is to communicate with a Real Estate firm that is duly registered or in the process of being registered at the Unidad de Análisis Financiero (UAF) and the MIFIC, which can advise you on the acquisition of a property that fully complies with your requirements. It is really important that you make sure of all this information before proceeding to the next step, as your assigned realtor will guide you through the process.2. Ask your lawyer to verify the legality of the property you are interested in.It is possible that the same real estate contact one of their lawyers and recommend its services in case you do not have your own. The lawyer will be in charge to analyze that the title or deed of dominion is properly registered, as well as of the veracity in the area and cleaning in its history or chain of dominion. In case you decide to apply for a lawyer who is not tied to a real estate, you can hire a law firm.3. You will have to grant a special powerIf you cannot come to Nicaragua, you need a representative, which in a few words will be a special attorney who will sign the necessary legal documents to perfect the acquisition of the house. To achieve this your lawyer must proceed to grant a special power to a person, who should preferably be resident in Nicaragua and recommended by the law office or the Real Estate Broker company that helped you in the previous step.
4. Time to payFinally, to acquire your house, you can make the payments through transfers, checks or directly to the account or bank of the seller, an operation that must be done simultaneously with the signing of the purchase deed or promise of sale as long as it justifies the Receiving bank transfers or payments with legal documents of the transaction.What legal risks exist if I am a foreigner?The risk that you can find is bad advice if you turn to any real estate lawyer or adviser, because you can acquire a property that does not have the sanity or due legality. It may also happen that the house or land can not be acquired by legal prohibition, as is the case of what is contemplated in Article 34 of Law No. 749, " Ley De Régimen Jurídico de Fronteras " which prohibits foreigners from acquiring of real estate under any figure located in border areas. In any case we recommend you follow the steps that we have indicated, in order to acquire your home without any problem. If you have any doubts do not hesitate to write us at info@discovernica.com to dissolve any of your doubts.