New ways of living in the 21st century

Combination of colonial and contemporary architecture

By: Arq. Raúl López Pastrán

Time is a river that does not stop for any reason, is constantly changing and affects everything, architecture is no exception and over the years has undergone stylistic and ideological changes, which has given rise to various trends Movements

Nicaragua has experienced an increase in construction in general, and more specifically in the housing sector. Many are the architectural styles that are found in the country, some more traditional, other more contemporary, and one that breaks with the two currents mentioned above.

This creates a phenomenon of globalization, but without losing its identity completely, since the main characteristics of an architecture of our country are maintained.

Influences and tradition

Spanish influence during the colony has much to do, mixing with Aboriginal traditions shaped a long-term paradigms that are later expressed in architecture as a new mestizo race.

These paradigms are expressed mainly in the traditional Nicaraguan housing, with wooden roofs and tile roof, the use of internal patios and of course with high walls.

Environmental impact

We, as an architectural studio, promote architectural design with a bioclimatic approach by means of environmentally friendly design methods and criteria, we support them through specialized software for the calculation of natural lighting, natural ventilation, calculation of solar radiation, shade masks , Etc.

We also ensure the environmental impact of the materials to be used. All of the above has to be compact in a single symphony so that the project is profitable and at the same time provides comfort to the users to develop the activities of daily life.

An example of hybrid architecture developed by our study is the project: "Residencia Ing. Ervin Reyes" in which it combines all the above. Our client made us aware of the need to design a special design, which was not entirely contemporary since the identity of him and his customs were lost, but he also did not want the traditional, in a few words he did not want the usual Two architectonic currents.

Therefore, is what has happened to propose a hybrid design, to which he reacted very positively, where we proposed the use of roofs, ornamental elements such as "cornices", beams and ceilings of Wood, light and gray colors, implements the use of the internal patio for cross ventilation, all environments were optimized for natural lighting.

In short, a challenge of the task, nevertheless a product was obtained in which both client and architect were fascinated and very happy to break and mix a different scheme.